This week (Oct. 4-8) is Drive Safely Work Week as employers are encouraged to take steps to reduce the risk of car accidents on the job, Trucking Info reports.
Traffic accidents are a leading cause of Massachusetts work accidents and accidents on the job nationwide. Those injured in a traffic accident while on the job are best served by consulting a Massachusetts workers’ compensation lawyer who has extensive experience in handling personal injury and wrongful death cases involving traffic accidents.
Transportation accidents were the leading cause of fatal work accidents in 2009; a total of 1,682 of the nation’s 4,340 work-related deaths were caused by transportation accidents, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Drive Safety Work Week involves a push for businesses to establish corporate cell phone policies to restrict or ban the use of cell phones while driving. The effort involves encouraging businesses to designate time to emphasize safe driving messages and promote call-blocking technology and other forms of prevention, like encouraging employees to use mass transit.
“Businesses across the United States are recognizing the impact of this problem on their employees and are beginning to adopt anti-distracted driving policies,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said. “The materials in this kit are designed to help advance your company’s efforts against distracted driving.”
Here are campaign tools for employers and employees to help prevent distracted driving in Massachusetts.
If you have been injured in a Boston work accident, contact Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.