Articles Posted in Personal Injury

In a tragic accident, a young woman fell into an open elevator shaft at Fenway Park. The woman was taken to the hospital and suffered serious injuries after walking into the open-doors of an elevator shaft and falling 20 to 30 feet. This premises liability case could result in civil claims against all responsible individuals and entities, including the owners, management, or maintenance companies of Fenway Park. This case is under investigation and authorities are still not sure of the causes.


Premises liability cases arise when a residential or commercial property owner fails to cure dangerous conditions, warn entrants of defects, or when failure to maintain causes an injury or fatality. Our Boston premises liability and personal injury lawyers know elevator accidents like these are more common than many people realize. And among the most common causes is a person stepping through the doors into an empty elevator shaft.
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Boston motorcyclists have been waiting through a long winter to get back on their bikes. As the season warms up, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants to remind bikers and motorists to share the road and stay safe. May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a time for riders and drivers to remember to share the road, follow laws, and stay abreast of safety protocol to stay accident-free this riding season.


Motorcycle Safety Awareness month is an opportunity to remind all drivers and riders that we have a responsibility to be aware of other vehicles on the road. Taking this time to remember to driver safely can help prevent future accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Our Boston motorcycle accident attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims. We are also abreast of safety initiatives and directives focused on keeping Massachusetts riders safe. If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle accident, our legal team is also prepared to aggressively defend your interests to recover the compensation necessary in the wake of a serious collision.
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Mowing the lawn is considered by many to be among the most mundane suburban summer homeowner chores. Our personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts know it’s also one of the most dangerous.
Although millions use these devices routinely without a problem, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that some 253,000 people are treated in hospital emergency rooms annually due to lawnmower injuries. Of those, roughly 20,000 are children.

Operators of these powerful machines have a duty to ensure they are in good working condition, that their yards are free of any obvious hazards that could cause injury if contact is made with the blade and that children in their care are at a safe distance and properly supervised.
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A Back Bay Boston apartment owner is suing a welding company after a fire destroyed the building and killed two firefighters. In addition to liabilities for property damage, the welding company could potentially face additional personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits. According to The Boston Globe, the welding company was responsible for the blaze and failed to get a necessary permit before beginning the work that caused the building to burn down.


When proving liability in any case, failure to obtain permits and other violations of law can be evidence of negligence. Our Boston personal injury attorneys are experienced in representing individuals who have been injured as a result of recklessness, negligence, or even intentional harm. In the event of an accident, it is important to consult with an experienced advocate who can independently review your case, identify responsible individuals or entities, and pursue every necessary opportunity to achieve maximum recovery. We are abreast of the legal issues impacting Boston communities and dedicated to raising awareness to prevent future accidents and injuries.
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Tough Mudder is an internationally known fitness competition that requires participants to climb walls and ropes, run, and crawl, and complete various obstacles while soaked in mud. The company grossed almost $100 million last year and continues to grow in popularity among participants and supporters. A mother has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Tough Mudder and Airsquid Ventures, a company responsible for water safety at the event. The lawsuit was filed by a Boston firm, charging both companies with gross negligence that resulted in the death of a participant.

Obstacle courses, marathons, and other fitness events require reasonable care and precautions by hosting companies or organizations. In this case, Tough Mudder, was responsible for ensuring the safety of participants. In the event that a participant is injured or doesn’t get appropriate medical treatment, hosting organizations may be held accountable. Our Boston personal injury attorneys are experienced in complex personal injury and wrongful death cases. We are committed to protecting the rights of victims and their loved ones in the event of a personal injury or accidental death.
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Now that the snow is finally melting from the patio, it is time to think about gearing up for spring and summer. For families throughout Massachusetts, this means mowing the lawn and starting up the grill. As you pack away your snow blower for the spring and summer seasons, you should also be wary of the potential risks of storing and reigniting this equipment. Our personal injury attorneys in Boston are committed to preventing accidents and raising safety awareness. Here are some spring safety tips when trading out your winter for summer equipment.

Stabilize your snow blower. Before you store your snow blower, you should add gas stabilizer and let it run to ensure that it circulates through the carburetor. This will prevent “gumming up” of the gas. Close the valve to prevent a major fuel leak. You should also change the oil in the snow blower while your snow blower is still warm. Always remember to remove the spark plug wire when performing maintenance.
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The one-year anniversary of the tragic Boston Marathon has inspired many victims and their loved ones to reflect on a year of recovery. In addition to the support that victims may have felt from their closest family and friends, their communities and the nation, victims of the Boston Marathon also gained encouragement from medical engineers working hard to improve prosthetics for those who lost limbs.

The Boston Marathon tragedy raised awareness for all victims of amputation and puts the focus on recovery.


According to a Discovery article on prosthetic advancements since the Boston Marathon, while many research labs may not have worked directly with survivors, everyone in the industry has felt the impact and desire to improve the lives of amputees and their loved ones. Our Boston personal injury attorneys are experienced in representing victims who have suffered from catastrophic accidents and injuries, including amputation. We are dedicated to raising awareness and to exploring every opportunity to improve life quality and recovery for victims.
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Five companies in New England faced legal trouble when they were found to be in violation of federal regulations designed to prevent the occurrence of chemical accidents. The companies have now settled with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As part of the settlement, the companies will need to be more careful about the way in which they deal with chemicals and the risks of exposure. air-pollution-1433250-m.jpg

Unfortunately, two of the companies that endangered the public were located within the state of Massachusetts.
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Eight people were killed and dozens injured recently when gas explosion leveled two five-story buildings. The specific cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but the National Transportation Safety Board believes that a natural gas leak was the reason for the blast. A crack in an eight-inch gas pipeline that runs next to one of the two demolished apartments may have been the source of the leak. pipes-722473-m.jpg

This incident occurred in East Harlem, but the reality is that it could happen anywhere as the gas pipe was part of a system that is over 100 years old and which spreads throughout the United States. Boston premises liability lawyers can represent victims who sustain injuries if a similar gas leak explosion occurs in the Massachusetts area, which is an unfortunate possibility due to the fact that the state has some of the oldest and most dangerous pipes in the nation.
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Serious injuries and fatal accidents have been linked to hazing rituals on college campuses nationwide. Fraternity organizations and college campuses can be held liability in some personal injury and wrongful death cases. Our personal injury attorneys in Boston are committed to representing victims and their families in cases involving hazing rituals. We know that every case is unique and involves competing stories and various facts and circumstances. Despite the challenges of fraternity hazing cases, our attorneys know how to investigate injuries to college students and will take every necessary step to hold accountable the individuals and entities identified as responsible.

In a recent Massachusetts case, the hazing death of a Baruch College Freshman was ruled a homicide. According to reports, the 19-year-old college freshman died following a traumatic head injury while pledging to become a member of Pi Delta Psi in December. The coroner ruled the death a homicide after the victim was blindfolded in a violent game and forced to carry a sand backpack while members jumped on him as he as trying to walk. At some point, the pledge went unconscious.
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