Articles Posted in Personal Injury

Over the past month we have seen a number of examples of people seriously injuring themselves and others with fireworks and firearms in what are essentially accidents. With respect to the fireworks accidents, it makes sense to see an increase around this time of year due to the Fourth of July holiday and other summer holidays in which fireworks are used.

armadillo-1-1404185There was of course the notable incident when a 22-year-old man placed a loaded pyrotechnic motor shell and tube on his head with one had and lit lighter in the other. While witnesses said he was only joking and did not mean to light the firework, he was killed in this accident nonetheless. Continue reading

Drones have become big news lately. The concerns are not only large surveillance and attack drones the United States Air force and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) uses in the War on Terror, such as the Predator Drone. There are also fears regarding the smaller, publicly-available drones anyone can purchase and operate for less than $1,500.

used-pump-action-shotgun-1-1454122The drones sold for personal use are legal for anyone to use without any kind of license, but they cannot be used for commercial purposes. If they were used for commercial purposes, such as filming movies or package delivery, it would fall under the authority of United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which does not permit the commercial use of drones. This is what Amazon is trying to change so they can deliver packages by drones. It is also a law that these drones can’t be operated in restricted airspace. Continue reading

In yet another fireworks accident involving personal injury in Boston, a boy was seriously injured in what has been described as a cherry bomb accident. According to a recent news article from 7 News Boston, a boy was playing on a basketball court in Boston, when he found what has been described as a cherry bomb.

warning-icon-glossy-6-1023556-mAuthorities say the boy found the firework and attempted to light it. When he lit the firework, it exploded while he was still near it. The boy’s father was in his nearby home when he heard and felt the massive explosion. He immediately ran out to see what had happened and saw his 9-year-old son running toward him. He told authorities that, when he saw his son, he immediately noticed he was covered in blood and his eyelashes and eyebrows had been entirely burned off. Continue reading

Fireworks are a lot of fun to watch, but it is best to leave the actual process of shooting off the fireworks to trained professionals with proper permits and fire department personnel standing by in the case of an accident.

In fact, fireworks are illegal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, unless being handled by a licensed pyrotechnician with proper permits for the city and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Continue reading

We have been hearing a lot on the news these days about a increase in the number of shark attacks at beaches along the east coast of the United States. While some say they are not going to change their summer plans to the hit the Cape and other beaches, many are reacting to fears of increased shark attacks. However, according to a recent news article from Sporting News, a woman is suing the Miami Marlins Baseball Club for injuries she sustained in what is being called a “fake shark attack.”

shark---ushaka-marine-world-261037-mAccording to her complaint, she attended a game at Marlins’ Park in 2013. As the team does at every home game, the “Great Sea Race” was held, in which mascots wearing foam and rubber costumes depicting various sea creatures run around the warning track in a foot race, and sometimes they engage in various other stunts or antics to amuse the crowd. Continue reading

For quite some time, the fatal derailment accident involving an Amtrak passenger train was making headline news across the county. There were a variety of theories about the speed of the train and whether someone was shooting at trains in the Philadelphia area, and a variety of other theories.

956057_better_late_than_never____1Whenever a passenger train is involved in a accident, it makes sense that it captures the public attention. However, passenger rail service only accounts for a very small portion of the total rail traffic in the United States. Most of the rail traffic in the United States is for Freight Trains, which carry everything from coal to cars across the country. Some of the freight trains are filled with hazardous chemicals and fuels, and an accident involving a freight train can result in serious personal injury not only to those operating the trains, but also to the entire community around the crash site.

According to a news report from the Tennessean, the recent derailment involving a CSX freight train carrying toxic liquid chemicals caused serious environmental concerns and a town of around 5,000 residents was evacuated following the train crash. All of the residents asked to leave their homes and business were located within a mile and a half of the crash site. Emergency personnel went through the neighborhoods knocking on individual doors telling them they should leave immediately. Continue reading

With the Fourth of July holiday quickly approaching, this is a good opportunity to discuss fireworks safety. Despite the fact fireworks are illegal in many areas of Massachusetts without a professional license and municipal permit, many people will illegally launch amateur fireworks purchased in other states. Even those who are not personally shooting off any illegal fireworks are likely to be attending a party or barbeque where someone else will be holding their own fireworks display. Continue reading

Whenever anyone talks about lawsuits and big verdicts, they quite often think of the woman who sued McDonald’s when she was burned by hot coffee in her car. People often use that story as an example of how lawsuits are out of control in this country.

coffee1.jpgIn reality, most people have very little idea as to what actually happened in that case. The victim had a hot cup of coffee in a car but was not driving. She was a passenger. The coffee was not just hot, but was around 210 degrees, because the company chose to hold their coffee just below boiling. The company had received nearly a thousand reports of customers being burned by their coffee – including children and elderly – and still refused to lower the temperature. Another fact most people don’t know is the woman suffered third degree full thickness burns to her crotch and legs, as it actually burned through her pants, and, despite that extreme pain, she offered to settle the case for less than $15,000, but the company refused.
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This spring and summer, many people will fire up the patio or backyard grill after work or on the weekends. While there is nothing like grilling up a burger or steak on your own grill, one Massachusetts fire marshal wants to remind everyone to follow all recommended safety practices, and do whatever you can reasonably due to prevent fires and burn injuries.

grilled-sausage-links-1422472-m.jpgAccording to a recent public safety announcement from Wicked Local East Bridgewater, the town fire marshal recommends everyone take the time to inspect their propane and natural gas grills for any leaks and cracks prior to using them, as this can help prevent serious personal injury. He also urges parents to teach their young children to stay at least three feet away from a lit grill at all times, as children are at a particular risk for accidental burn injuries.
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Many people choose to own pets. When we are talking about a cat or a nonviolent breed of dog, or a fish, this typically doesn’t cause any problems, and people derive a great deal of enjoyment from their animals.

Thumbnail image for 269548_emergency.jpgHowever, some people choose to keep more exotic species of animals as pets, and some pose a safety risk to others. Some of these exotic animals are even illegal to keep as pets in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

You may recall the report in recent years regarding a neighbor who was attacked by a neighbor’s pet chimpanzee or another harmed by a pet snake. While these incidents may be reported as crazy occurrences, the fact is, these kind of injuries happen on a regular basis.

According to a recent report from Bangor Daily News, we are experiencing an increase in the frequency of dangerous animal attacks throughout the New England area.

Of course, the article discusses the 2011 case of a Boston woman who was attacked by her employer’s pet chimpanzee. In that incident, the 200-pound chimpanzee attacked her, causing her to lose her nose, lips, hands and eyelids, and, later, a disease from the animal caused doctors to have to remove her eyes. She required a full face transplant and suffered extreme disfigurement which will never heal and unimaginable emotional distress.
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