Articles Posted in Personal Injury

According to a recent news story article from ABC News, a high school football player at a California school suffered a serious head injury during a game. He is currently in a medically induced coma, so doctors can perform multiple surgeries to suppress the bleeding and swelling and work to his life.

457973__1While this is not the first accident, or serious head injury, to occur during a high school football game, it was far from the typical injury. Witnesses say the play during which the student was hurt seemed like a routine tackle – nobody was sure how he was injured so badly. At first, he had appeared to have blacked out and had trouble getting up. Continue reading

Anyone who is a fan of the Tonight Show has probably heard about how Jimmy Fallon injured his hand when he fell and got his ring hung on the edge of a table as he was headed to the ground. As far as hand injuries go, that incident was fairly severe. He was required to have ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation, and the network was forced to suspend taping his show temporarily. It has been reported that he almost required an amputation following that fall, but fortunately doctors were able to save his finger.

1100587_hospital_handWhile Fallon is back on the air and seems to be doing well, he recently managed to injure his other hand when he was attending an event at Harvard University, according to a recent news report from the Boston Herald. Witnesses say Fallon was at the Boston area university to be honored by the Harvard Lampoon for his achievements in comedy. Specifically, he was being given the Elmer Award for Excellence in Humor. While many may not be aware, many of the most famous comedy writers and performers attended Harvard University and were part of the Harvard Lampoon. Continue reading

According to a recent news report from CBS Sports, Montreal Canadien’s forward Zack Kassian was in a car accident where he suffered serious injuries. He was sent to the hospital following the accident and is now under the care of the team’s medical staff.

921217_crashed_carWitnesses say Kassian was riding in the car as a passenger, along with a 20-year-old female driver and an 18-year-old passenger, when the accident occurred. One witness took a photograph of the vehicle, which had apparently crashed into a tree.   Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the accident and have said they will release more information when it becomes available. Continue reading

According to a recent news report from the Washington Post, a third grade student in Baltimore suffered a serious head injury after a fall that occurred in his elementary school. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the accident but say he reported becoming ill shortly before he suffered a fractured skull. It is not even known how or why he fell.

photo_emerging_TBIIt is believed the nine-year-old boy was in the hallway of his school around 1 p.m. when the fall occurred. School officials reported that they found him lying on the floor and called his mother. They told his mother that they were calling an ambulance, and she went to the school to be with her son.   When she arrived, she found her son sitting in a chair with his head slumped over, and he was non-responsive. Continue reading

Spinal injuries can leave victims with a life filled with rehabilitation and physical therapy, and the victim may never be able to fully recover. According to a recent article from Taunton Gazette, one doctor who had previously worked to create a spinal cord injury fund in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is now asking state legislators to fix a problem with the fund that caused it to run dry.

surgeonsThe fund was meant to get money from traffic fines levied on repeat traffic offenders who were losing their driving licenses. After the bill was signed into law to create and fund the charitable organization, there was a change in the general traffic laws. The change caused people to lose their licenses much earlier in the process, so the funds were not being paid at the right time. As a result of what they are calling a “scrivener’s error,” the spinal injury fund lost $300,000 in funding that had been previously earmarked for it. Continue reading

According to a news release from the Massachusetts State Police (MSP), a veteran trooper was recently injured when his shotgun accidentally discharged. An MSP spokesperson said the trooper, who was assigned to the South Boston Barracks, was transferring a department issued shotgun from his old patrol cruiser to his newly issued cruiser.

used-pump-action-shotgun-1-1454122The trooper sergeant took the tactical 12ga shotgun out of the locking mount in his old vehicle, and it somehow discharged, striking him in the leg. He was alone at the time of the accident. The accident occurred at the Massachusetts State Police Emergency Vehicle Operations Center. This is essentially the main repair depot and storage facility for patrol cars. Continue reading

In recent years, we have seen a great deal of media coverage about people across the country who are against the use of vaccines and having their children vaccinated. Much of this fear of vaccines is believed to have been advanced by a small group of celebrities who been outspoken about the issue. Jenny McCarthy was one of the most notable celebrities associated with the anti-vaccine movement when she implied vaccines could be responsible for causing autism in children.

syringeandbottleEssentially, all doctors and public health groups are strong proponents of vaccines for adults and especially children. They say there is absolutely no scientific evidence vaccines are responsible for autism or any other heath condition claimed by those not in favor of vaccines. These doctors feel it is tragic to allow any child to get a disease that could have prevented with a simple vaccine.   Continue reading

According to a recent news feature from the Wall Street Journal, the accident rate for commercial airline companies based in the United States was close to the all-time low this past year. This is based upon early data from federal crash investigators. This is in contrast to an increase in accidents involving foreign airlines, as we have seen in various international news reports.

airplane-1450830This past year was the fifth year in a row that there was a not a single fatal crash involving a U.S. operated commercial aircraft. Obviously, this data does not include the much more frequent fatal crashes involving smaller, private aircraft. The study was conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which is the federal agency operated under direction from its parent agency, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), and the study includes not only fatal accidents, but anything classified as a domestic carrier mishap. Continue reading

A lot of people who live in Boston and the surrounding area like to drive down to the Cape this time of year. If you take a ferry or drive all the way to the end of Cape Cod, you can spend some time in Provincetown, which can be a lot of fun.

photo_emerging_TBIHowever, the visit didn’t end pleasantly for one man, according to a recent news article from the Cape Cod Times.

A man allegedly started a fight, then managed to give himself a major head injury that required him to be airlifted to a level-one trauma center in downtown Boston. Continue reading

Every summer, families across the country head out to amusement parks and water parks. Some families go to local amusement parks, such as Six Flags in Agawam, Massachusetts and other families will travel much further away to go to larger attractions like Disney in Orlando, Florida.

rollercoaster-series-6-344534-mWhile millions of people have fun at the parks without incident, we have seen cases of serious accidents and personal injury across the nation so far this summer. A recent news feature from Market Watch, takes a look at some of the “scariest” amusement park accidents that have occurred this year. Continue reading

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