Articles Posted in Personal Injury

According to a recent news article from KIVA, a 16-year-old victim was killed at a local fair when she was thrown from a carnival ride.  Authorities have said the victim was at a Church Carnival with two of her friends riding a ride know as the “Sizzler,” which is ride that spins the occupants around at relatively high speeds.carnival

While they were on the ride, there was a malfunction of some kind, and the victim and one of the girls she was with were thrown from the ride. When she was ejected from the ride, she slammed her head into a metal support beam and died as a result of her injury. Continue reading

According to a recent article from the National Law Review, there are various new techniques to treat serious burn injuries.  This is very good news as burn injuries are among the most painful type of personal injury a victim can suffer. Further, they can also result in death due to secondary infections.

fuego-1178889-300x225The reason there is such a high risk of secondary infections is because your skin is the best way to prevent infection, as it serves a barrier to harmful microbes. After a serious burn injury, there is no skin to protect the body from this harmful bacteria. In addition to the risk of serious infections, there is a lot of pain and suffering associated with burn injuries because of the nerve damage which often occurs when the skin is destroyed.  Continue reading

Mixed martial arts of “MMA” as it it often called includes the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) as well as many other leagues and competitions. There is no question that these MMA fighters and events are becoming more popular after being watched by only a small group of fans for such a long time.  Rhonda Rousey has become a household name and is currently starring in major Hollywood motion pictures, and everyone was waiting to see what happened during her much publicized match with Holly Holm.  Unfortunately, that did not go so well for Rousey as everyone now knows, but that may be the least of these fighters’ problems, according to a recent news feature in the Irish Times.

457973__1As discussed in this article, around one third of all matches will result in one or both fighters suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI).   There have been a lot of studies on this after the recent releases about the injuries to NFL players, as well as the death of Joao Carvalho, who was a mixed martial arts fighter.  He dies as a result of complications stemming from a traumatic brain injury. Continue reading

A recent news article from the Union Leader discusses a report that a man recently settled a lawsuit with a night club in the amount of $500,000.  The lawsuit was filed after plaintiff was injured in a confrontation with night club security personnel outside the Gloucester area establishment.

1037536_money_in_handThe 23-year-old plaintiff was severely injured as a result of the altercation with nightclub bouncers and had to have multiple surgical operations to treat his injuries. In his complaint, he was demanding $1 million in damages.  As part of the pretrial process, the case went before a mediator with Massachusetts Dispute Resolution Services, and this ultimately led to the settlement that both parties were willing to accept.  Continue reading

While this winter started off pretty mild, it has certainly turned cold across much of the New England area, including Boston.  With snowstorms and ice storms knocking out power throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, safety officials fear the worst as people are turning to alternative means to heat their homes, including wood stoves, space heaters and generators.

smoke-alarm-1420153-300x225The reason for the fear is that these devices, while they may heat the home, present a major risk for carbon monoxide poisoning, which can cause serious personal injury or death.  According to a recent news article from Wicked Local Franklin, firefighters in Massachusetts have already had to respond to a number of carbon monoxide calls where they needed to ventilate the buildings and make them safe again for residents.  Luckily, there were no injuries in these cases, and there were carbon monoxide detectors that were able to warn the residents, so they could call the fire department in time. Continue reading

According to a recent report from CBS, a woman was killed in a skiing accident in Wisconsin. The 24-year-old woman was skiing when she hit a tree. Ski patrol personnel immediately responded to the scene of what would later prove to be a fatal accident, and they also called 911, so local authorities could provide additional assistance.

1380245_winter_street_sceneryWhen the local sheriff’s deputies arrived, ski patrol had already taken the victim down to the base of the mountain in a toboggan, so she could be provided additional medical attention and transported to a hospital by medevac helicopter or ambulance. Continue reading

Among all types of personal injuries, burn injuries are among the most painful. A recent article from the National Law Review looks at what victims of burn injury cases go though and some of the things they can do to help ease pain and suffering.

fuego-1178889-300x225One of the first things to realize is that burn injuries are more common than one might think. In the United States alone, there were nearly half a million burn injuries in 2015. While an overall statistic like this tells the story on a large scale, it does not capture the personal journey each burn victim goes through during the accident and the recovery, if they were able to survive. In many cases, the pain will last far after the day the injury occurred. Continue reading

With winter finally here and much of the East Coast of the Untied States being hit by the recent blizzard, many will be taking to the slopes when they are able to dig out of their homes. New England has some of the best skiing in the country, and many Boston residents will be among those hitting the many local ski resorts.

skiing-1371473Many will head to ski resorts in Massachusetts, and others will head up to the bigger mountains in Maine and Vermont. These mountains advertise directly to residents in Boston and arrange for bus trips to take the skiers up for skiing and, after skiing, entertainment at local resort bars. Continue reading

In Ketler v. PFPA, LLC, a case from the Supreme Court of Delaware, the plaintiff claimed he was injured while working out at fitness center owned by the defendant. Plaintiff claimed that his injuries were caused while using defendant’s fitness equipment and were the result of negligence on behalf of defendant and its employees.

952313_gavelHowever, defendant filed a motion for summary judgment, asking that the case be dismissed. The basis for a motion for summary judgment is essentially that a plaintiff has failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted and that there is no genuine issue of material fact. In other words, defendant is saying that, even if you believe everything plaintiff has claimed in his complaint, defendant is not liable for the injuries allegedly caused to plaintiff. Continue reading

Slip and fall accidents can happen anytime. They can happen in stores when the management negligently fails to clean up a spill or mark the area with a wet floor sign, and they can happen when a tile or section of concrete is left in a state of disrepair that causes someone to trip. However, in the winter we tend to see many more slip and fall accidents occurring outside when someone slips on snow or ice.

1272047_snowIn some cases, an outdoor slip and fall is simply nobody’s fault. In other cases, the city should have plowed better, and in other cases, the accident is to blame on the negligence of a shop or business owner that had a duty to clear the snow and ice in their parking lot, but failed to do so. This could be considered negligence and the basis for a personal injury lawsuit. Continue reading

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