Articles Posted in Personal Injury

Following the death of Jose Fernandez, the baseball world was in a state of shock.  We saw his teammate Dee Gordon hit the longest home run of his career and then break into tears while rounding the bases.  We saw all of the Miami Marlins wearing Fernandez jerseys with his name and number, and we saw opposing teams hold tributes as well.

marina-1449492Just to briefly recap the tragic events that lead to the ace pitcher’s death, rescue workers found his boat upside down after it had crashed into a jetty off the coast of Miami.  When rescue workers approached the boat, they found that nobody was still on board and sent rescue divers into the water to look for any survivors.  They found Fernandez and two of his associates, but they were already deceased. Continue reading

In Fecke v. Bd. of Supervisors Louisiana St. Univ. & Agricultural & Mech. College, a case from the Supreme Court of Louisiana, a college senior went to an indoor rock climbing facility located on the university campus.  He had been enrolled in an Outdoor Living Skills Activity course and this rock climbing activity was actually a mandatory requirement.

rockOnce plaintiff arrived at the rock climbing facility, she completed a participation agreement as the staff asked her to do.  Following her signing the participation form, there was instruction into how to make the climb, and she successfully climbed the wall.  However, on the way back down from the wall, she fell to the ground.  When she hit the ground, she landed on her foot hard and fractured the talus bone. Continue reading

In Huang v. The Bicycle Casino, an appeals court in California was tasked with weighing the issue of liability of a common carrier.

For example, if you are injured while riding in friend’s car, and that friend was at-fault in the accident, your friend would be held to the ordinary standard of care as in any other negligence case.  The reason for this is because your friend is not a common carrier of passengers. However, if you are riding with a driver working for a bus company and you were injured as a passenger – even as a guest of a free shuttle – the driver (and vicariously, the company) would be held to a higher standard of care.

roulette-de-casino-1426072In Huang, plaintiff was injured when she was getting on board a shuttle bus provided by defendant’s casino.  When plaintiff sued, defendant casino claimed it should not be held to a higher standard of care because as a casino, it was not a common carrier of passengers. Defendant that the free shuttle was provided as a courtesy for customers, but it were not engaged in the business of carrying passengers from one location to the other. Continue reading

At some point in our lives, most of us have engaged in an activity for which we were required to sign a release of liability.  If we have children, we have certainly had to sign participation forms for our children before they are allowed to go on field trips or participate in any number of activities, including sporting events.

jumping-boy-1240200In Duhon v. Activelaf, LLC, participants at defendant’s indoor trampoline park were required to sign a participation agreement prior to using any of the equipment in the facility.  While many people are familiar with trampolines and have likely been on one at some point in their lives, they may not realized they can actually be quite dangerous. Many people suffer serious head and neck injuries on them that can result in permanent paralysis or even death. Continue reading

Burns are among the most serious types of personal injury a person can experience.  There are various reasons for this.  One reason is that burns are often extremely painful, but they can destroy skin, tissue and even bone.  They can leave scarring and cause permanent disfigurement.

fuego-1178889-300x225Aside from the pain and scarring, when a person has extensive damage or loss of skin, he or she is at significant risk of developing a serious infection, because the skin is the body’s best mechanism to keep germs out. Continue reading

It seems like people are more interested in doing outdoor adventure type activities these days than they have been in recent decades. One of the more popular activities that allows people to get outside, see some beautiful scenery and get some exercise at the same time is hiking.   While some people will just go for local hikes, others will travel to famous recreation areas to engage in more challenging hikes.

stump-1538702According to a recent news feature from the Las Vegas Review-Journal, a man was just killed after falling while hiking at Red Rock Canyon.  He is said to have fallen off the trail when he was more than 160 off the ground.  He was 31 years old at the time of his death.  As soon as he fell of the cliff, search and rescue workers were called to the scene, but there was nothing they could after he fell around 16 stories, but they were able to locate his body using the assistance of a police helicopter, and his body was in fact recovered.   The police do not suspect foul play was involved as of this time, but they are conducting a full investigation to see if they can determine why he fell off the elevated hiking trial. Continue reading

While many people still think of zip line riding as a dangerous activity best left for spies in the movies, it has become a fairly common sport.  These days, many state parks and other recreation centers feature zip line courses, with a single private company overseeing operations.  They are supposed to be safe so that while it appears to be quite a thrill, one should not get hurt while using a zip line.  The manner in which they are made safe is through the use of redundant safety harnesses and safety straps designed to prevent a rider from falling and being injured.

zip-line-1563291However, according to a recent news feature from ABC News, things do not always go as planned, as evidenced by the death of a 59-year-old woman using the zip line attraction at a state park in Delaware.   Authorities say the woman was standing on a zip line platform while waiting to start her decent.  She was about 35 feet high when she fell off the platform and died as result of the tremendous impact. Continue reading

For several decades, healthcare providers and patient educators have recommended putting ice on an injury as soon as possible. The acronym RICE is commonly used, as it stands for “Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.”  A medical doctor created RICE as a term in 1978, and everyone else just ran with it.  It is now taken as gospel.

ace-bandage-1516314However, a recent news feature from Soccer America takes a new look at RICE and whether it is actually a good practice or a faulty concept. The reason for skepticism is because the body will cause the site of trauma to swell as part of the body’s natural healing process.  This is similar to how a person who gets a fever is experiencing a higher body temperature because that is the body’s natural way of killing germs that cause illness. If you take a fever suppressant, it might make you feel better, but it might actually take the body longer to fight the virus.  However, it should be noted that if a fever is very high, medical intervention might be necessary. Continue reading

In the last several weeks, there have been numerous reports of severe and even fatal amusement park accidents involving roller coaster riders. Of course, people have been trying to squeeze in their last-minute summer kicks, but they should be able to do so confident in the safety of the rides they board.

rollercoaster-1567480According to a recent news feature from People, this latest incident involved a 3-year-old boy who was riding on an attraction at Idlewild and SplashZone amusement park in Ligonier, Pennsylvania.  Authorities say the boy is still in critical condition at a local level-one pediatric trauma hospital and has undergone at least one major surgical procedure and may need additional surgery. Continue reading

A recent news feature form looks at three types of burn injuries we tend to see more often during the summer months than we do in other months, and it is is important to understand that all three of these types of burn injuries are preventable if the adequate level of care is taken.

fuego-1178889-300x225As one might expect, we tend to see a lot more fireworks injuries during summer months than we do the rest of year.  While fireworks are also used during New Year’s Eve celebrations and other festivities throughout the year, during non-summer months it is often professionals that are providing the fireworks displays.  This is not to say that even professional shows can’t result in serious personal injury or death, but the chances are much greater that there will be a preventable accident when amateurs are the ones lighting off the fireworks displays. Continue reading

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