Articles Posted in Brain Injury

Whenever someone receives an injury to the head, it is generally a good idea to determine whether the victim had suffered a concussion or other type to traumatic brain injury. In the old days, a person who was knocked unconscious was often shaken or administered smelling salts, and that would be all the care they received.  Years of medical research has proven that this is not the safest practice.

457973__1These days, we often hear about head injury protocols being taken when someone suffers a head injury or impact.  We often see if the person is oriented as to person, place, time, and date.  This is known as being oriented times four to first responders and mental health professionals.  It is in professional sports where we often hear that these protocols are being performed, and we have to wait see if the person suffered a concussion. Continue reading

The 17-year-old didn’t want to wear the chicken suit. It was hot. It was itchy. And he’d already gotten roughed up briefly by a couple of his fellow students before the pep rally. football3

The suit was rented just for the rally as a way to mock the other team’s mascot, an eagle. But he didn’t want to go through with it anymore and pleaded with the athletic director to let him off the hook. Instead, she threatened him with the $75 cost of the rental if he didn’t keep it on and head to the pep rally as intended, where he was slated to engage in a “mock fight” with the football team. He acquiesced. It didn’t go well.

When it was all over, he suffered a traumatic brain injury that he will likely grapple with the rest of his life. Now, the school district has agreed to pay $10.5 million to settle the case after jurors found the school district 100 percent liable for the former student’s injuries. The settlement offer was extended just days after the verdict was reached, but in advance of the damages portion of the trial.  Continue reading

In the past 10 to 15 years, doctors and researchers have made a lot of progress in treating traumatic brain injury.  One of the main reasons for this was because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Unlike in previous wars in which the United States has been engaged, our military had the technology to get wounded soldiers, sailors, and civilians off the battlefield and to a medical treatment facility, despite grievous injuries.

457973__1Much of these medical evacuations from the battlefield were due to the brave and amazing work of United States Air Force Pararescue Jumpers (PJs) and their counterparts in other branches of the military.  In the past, a soldier who suffered a massive head injury was likely given morphine by a medic or hospital corpsman and died on the battlefield. Today, the military is able to get them to a combat support hospital, and then via airlift to a level one trauma center in Germany within a matter of hours.  Continue reading

We have been hearing a lot about head injuries associated with playing football in recent years, and this past year, the issue was probably more of hot topic than ever before.  There was even a movie starring Will Smith aptly named Concussion.  However, head injuries resulting from playing football are not only a problem for college and professional athletes.

457973__1As a result of the high potential for brain injury, more and more parents are not allowing their children to play youth football once they are at an age where tackling is allowing.  Even some colleges, such as those that are part of the Ivy League football conference, have agreed to not allow any tackling during practice, which has become very controversial among those who think it will make games on Saturday less competitive. Continue reading

When we think of serious brain injuries, we often think about soldiers returning home from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan and about professional athletes. The new movie Concussion, starring Will Smith, focuses on how repeated hard hits to the head can result in serious concussions. Unlike in the past when we didn’t take concussions all that seriously, we not know they can lead to serious and permanent brain damage or death.

brainscanHowever, as doctors are now learning, a patient does not need to suffer a major head injury to get serious brain damage. In some cases, a hard bump on the head that would normally just hurt for a little while could result in a serious brain injury. This is why you should never refuse medical attention if you suffer an injury. You may not know the full extent of the damage, and, if you wait, you may delay getting necessary treatment. You will also make it harder to succeed in a typical personal injury case, because it may be more difficult to prove your injury was a result of the accident that was someone else’s fault. Continue reading

Any personal injury lawsuit filed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts often involves significantly more complexity than other types lawsuits if a plaintiff suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It doesn’t matter whether the lawsuit is filed under a negligence-based theory or intention torts-based theory, such as assault and battery, because, regardless of causation, proving damages will require extensive medical documentation and expert testimony.

457973__1One of the reasons for this is that, despite all doctors have learned about the human brain and traumatic brain injury in the last decade or so, there is still much doctors and researchers do not understand. However, there is no question that there have been tremendous strides in the fields of neurology and neurosurgery, and this is largely due the large number of serious brain injury cases during recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. While war and injuries are clearly nothing new, this war marks the first time in our history that the military had the technology to effectively evacuate many of the casualties and get them in an operating room within a matter of minutes or hours. In past wars, such as Vietnam, the wounded soldiers were not evacuated in time and died from their injures. Today, we have many more survivors, but that often means survivors with a traumatic brain injury. Continue reading

One of the most serious injuries that a person can sustain is injury to the brain. Injuries to the brain are invasive and can impact all aspects of a person’s life. Brian injuries can be fatal or, in severe cases, can leave an individual permanently incapacitated or with significantly impaired cognitive function. Even brain injuries that seem relatively mild, like concussions, can have profound and lasting impacts that can affect health decades after the original injury occurred. medical-cross-4-971654-m

Brain injuries are not only life-changing for many victims, but they are also very difficult to treat effectively because there is a great deal that medical professionals do not yet understand about the human brain. Research is ongoing with the goal of providing more effective treatments for symptoms and health problems affecting brain injury victims, and recently Breakthroughs reported a new drug was showing some promise in early testing.

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Most people have heard that NBA superstar Lamar Odom was admitted to the hospital after being found unconscious at a legal brothel in Nevada last month. Dennis Hof, owner of the infamous brothel, said Odom arrived at the brothel on October 10th and asked for two escorts to take him to the VIP room. He then asked for all employees to sign a confidentiality agreement and was not seen until October 13th, when he was found unresponsive in his room. He was rushed to the hospital, where he placed on life support.

457973__1Doctors determined that he had suffered from several strokes and kidney failure in what was initially reported as a drug-related episode. At first, many people thought he was dead, and then a day later, it was revealed that he was alive but had suffered severe brain damage. He reportedly cannot recognize his family or perform basic tasks. Continue reading

This time of year we have probably heard the sound of an acorn or other seedpod falling out of a tree and hitting a parked car. While this might make a loud sound, there is generally no real harm done beyond being startled by the loud sound. Some people might even remember being hit by a seedpod, pinecone, or whatever the wind blew, as the object was hard as it fell from the tree and smacked into a nearby car.

pinecone-1385977According to a recent article from the Los Angeles Times, a 16-pound pinecone recently fell out of large pine tree and landed on a man’s head. The man says he was reading his book and taking a nap under the large tree, when the giant pinecone hit him. He said the pinecone was larger than a pineapple. Continue reading

There are many things in a home that can injure children. Some are well known, and parents will take certain standard measures to prevent these household hazards from injuring their children. One obvious example is an electrical outlet, which parents typically protect with plastic safety inserts. Household chemicals can also be dangerous, especially when they are kept under the kitchen sink at height easily accessible to children.   To prevent children from getting poisoned or otherwise injured as a result of these chemicals being stored in the home, parents will typically place child safety latches on cabinets to prevent children from gaining access.

widescreen-1418467While these are two examples that most people know about, there are many other dangers to children in the average home that parents have no idea about. According to a recent news article from The Star, big screen televisions can pose a significant risk to small children (especially toddlers), depending on how the television is sitting in a room. Continue reading

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