Articles Posted in Accident News

Traffic Incident on US-1 Northbound
We never expect car accidents to happen to us, and when they do they can be devastating.

A traffic incident was reported on US-1 northbound on I-95 to Cambria Street. This accident occurred at around 8 at night on May 14. This is all that is known about this incident at this time.

Car accidents can cause dire consequences. The injuries caused by car accidents can be severe. Everyone is responsible to drive  carefully and attentively. If they do not do so, they could end up injuring someone else. Victims can seek compensation by filing a personal injury claim.

Update: Athol Man Who Died in Crash Identified
Car accidents can be extremely devastating.

We have an update on a story we posted on earlier this week.

The Athol man who died in a crash on Sunday has now been identified as Eric R. Gage, 26. Two other people were sent to the hospital with serious injuries after this incident. Police responded at around 9 at night.

Update: Hampden DA Identified Man Shot at Bus Stop

It can be hard to understand why people commit violent acts against other people.

A man was fatally shot at a bus stop shelter in the South End on Sunday night. The man has now been identified as Angel Calo, 36. Police are seeking help from the public as they look for the person who shot him.

We would like to offer our condolences to the family and friends of Angel Calo. The criminal actions of another person can be so hard to understand. When someone decides to commit a violent act against another, the family and friends of the person who passed away can seek compensation and justice. They deserve to at least seek to recover their rights.

2 Zoo Workers Injured
Workplace accidents can be unexpected. Employers have a duty of care to keep their workers safe.

Two employees of a zoo suffered minor injuries after an 800-pound animal escape. The animal, a takin, described as a “goat-antelope,” escaped after 9 in the morning on Tuesday. It was back in its enclosure by 10. This happened at Roger Williams Park Zoo. One animal keeper and one vet intern were injured. Their injuries were minor.

When it comes to workplace accidents, the type of accidents that can occur are varied. Employers must be sure they are taken proper safety precautions to ensure their employees are safe. If they fail to do so, they could be held accountable for the injuries. It is important for workplaces to be safe.

Update: Woman Dies After MBTA Bus and Vehicle Crash
Vehicle accidents can be devastating. When someone dies in a vehicle accident, their family and friends are left to grieve.

The driver of an SUV who was involved in a head-on collision with an MBTA bus in Saugus has passed away.

The Route 429 bus and SUV hit on Felton and Essex streets on Sunday afternoon. Six people were injured.

Mass State Police Investigate Two-Car Crash in Quincy
Car accidents happen when we least expect and the consequences can be severe.

Massachusetts State Police reported they were investigating a two-crash accident with minor injuries on Route 93 southbound in the HOV lane at Granite Avenue in Quincy. This happened at around 1 in the afternoon on May 14.

When people are driving, it is important that they pay attention to their surroundings and drive carefully. Drivers have a duty of care to the other drivers and people around them. If they act negligently or criminally and end up hurting someone else, they could be held responsible. Car accidents can do serious damage.

Worcester PD Investigate Dirt Bike Collision
People riding motorcycles can be at risk of being seriously injured in accidents.

Worcester Police Department had their crash reconstruction unit investigating a dirt bike and moving vehicle collision that occurred on Mill Street. It is not clear at this time if anyone was injured in this accident.

While we do not know what caused the accident, motorcyclists can be vulnerable parties on the road. They are not protected in the same way that people in vehicles are. A vehicle can do serious damage to someone on a motorbike. It is essential for drivers to share the road with motorcyclists and look out for them.

Somerset Rollover Victims Escape Serious Injury
Car accidents often happen when we least expect them to.

A rollover accident that occurred in Somerset caused injury to four people on I-195 east.

The wreck happened at around 6:15 near Exit 4. All of the people involved were wearing seatbelts and no one was seriously injured.

South End Bus Stop Shooting, 1 Fatality
The violent, criminal acts that people inflict on one another can be extremely difficult to understand.

On Sunday night, a shooting in the South End at a bus shelter claimed the life of one man. This shooting is still being investigated and no arrests have been made yet. If we learn more about this story, we will update you.

When someone shoots another person, it can be hard to understand why. These criminal acts can leave people injured and impact their lives for years to come. When someone chooses to act criminally and injure another person, the injured party deserves to seek justice and compensation for what happened to them. They can seek compensation by filing a  personal injury claim.

Police Looking for Person who Shot Mattapan Man
Random acts of violence are so hard to wrap our minds around. We are left asking why this happened.

Boston police are looking for a person who shot a man on Tuesday morning in Mattapan.

This incident occurred at around 10:45 in the morning near a home on 50 Evelyn Street. The condition of the victim was not yet known. We will update this story if we find out more.

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