
What To Do When You are Injured

Suffering an injury can be a jarring experience. It can be downright overwhelming when it’s at the hands of a negligent person or entity. However, you must not panic. Instead, approach the situation carefully, as you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages.

It’s important to know what to do immediately following an accident. Here are five things you should  do following an injury.

  1. Report the accident. It’s normal to want to put your injury out of your mind. However, you must record your experience and be as detailed as possible. This could be your testimony and give your case credibility.
  2. Seek out witnesses. Eyewitness testimony can strengthen your case. Be sure to collect witnesses’ names, phone numbers, and email addresses at the accident scene.
  3. Get medical attention. Even if you feel fine at the time of the accident, an injury could manifest later. This could make or break your case, as you need documentation of your injury and medical care to obtain compensation.
  4. Hold off on accepting an insurance settlement. Unfortunately, insurance companies are known to rush policyholders into accepting a lowball settlement that does not cover the full extent of their injuries and damages. 
  5. Speak with a personal injury lawyer. An attorney to guide you through the claims and litigation process is crucial to ensure you recover the full scope of the compensation you deserve. The Boston personal injury attorneys at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers will speak with you at no upfront cost and will not get paid until you do.

Boston Injury Attorneys Who Are Committed to Your Case

At Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers, your case is important to us. We understand that you are in a vulnerable position following an accident, which is why we will walk you through the claim process and protect your rights every step of the way. If you were hurt in an accident in the Greater Boston area, through no fault of your own, we are ready to speak with you for free today.

Contact us by submitting the form below or calling our office at 617-777-7777 for a free case evaluation today.

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