
Ghost Bikes to Raise Awareness of Bicycle Accidents in Massachusetts

Recently, friends, family members, the community and other bicycling advocates gathered at the corner of Neck Road and Boston Post Road to participate in a Ghost Ride to ride in “in support of cyclists’ rights to travel safely,” according to the Madison Patch.

One of the women who showed up for this awareness event, Colleen Kelly Alexander, was actually still recovering from a horrific bicycling accident that happened back in October of 2011. She was run over by a truck at that very same corner while bicycling her way home from work. After she was run over, she flatlined twice, but was able to be revived. After that, she underwent a number of painful and extensive reconstruction surgeries to fix the parts of her body that were mangled in the accident.

Alexander isn’t able to work yet, but spends what time and energy she can helping to raise money for organizations and groups that have offered her assistance since the accident. She also helps groups who work to raise awareness about bicycle safety.

Our Boston bicycle accident lawyers understand the risks cyclists face on our state’s roadways. Every year, there are hundreds of bicyclists who are killed in traffic accidents across the country. Many of these accidents are drivers’ faults. Oftentimes, motor vehicle drivers aren’t paying attention or fail to recognize bicyclists along our roadways. With all of these accidents and all of these fatalities, we now see a number of Ghost Bike memorials throughout the state. These Ghost Bikes are small and somber memorials that are set up to remember bicyclists who were killed or were hit by a motor vehicle. These bikes are painted all white and they’re locked to a street sign near where the accident happened. Accompanying these bikes is a small plaque. These bikes are meant to help remind drivers about these kinds of accidents and the vulnerability of our bicycling friends.

A number of supporters of the Ghost Bike program say that they’re hoping that these bikes help to remind drivers to be safe and cautious when traveling near bicyclers. They also say that they hope that the bicycle will serve as a reminder about the congestion and the dangers at that particular intersection, so that any future accidents can be avoided.

Since the accident, transportation officials have reviewed that intersection to see if anything more could be done to make it safer. Besides a few new yellow stripes, nothing has changed. Still, residents complain that there is no line to alert drivers where to stop when approaching the intersection and drivers complain that the stop sign is so far back that that have an obstructed view going both ways.

Since the roadway doesn’t seem like it’s going to be changed, drivers are urged to be extra careful in this area. Unfortunately, these are problems that we see at many intersections across the country. Drivers are asked to be on the lookout for our vulnerable two-wheeled friends at all times, but especially when approaching an intersection.

If you are injured in an accident in Massachusetts, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.

Additional Resources:

At The Scene Of Horrific Accident: Two Heroes, Their Inspiration, And A Ghost Bike, by Pem McNerney, Madison Patch
More Blog Entries:

Bicycle Accident in Bridgewater Seriously Injures Elderly Rider, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, June 26, 2012

Risks of Bicycle Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere Rank Mass. as 3rd Safest, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, May 25, 2012

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