
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Injuries and Deaths Mount after Boston Marathon Explosions — Investigation Continues

On April 15, Patriots Day, two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. According to the most recent updates on CNN, there were three fatalities and more than 150 injuries as a result of the explosions. Numerous amputation patients were reported among the injured. Our Boston injury…


DePuy Speaks Out on Defective Hips, Claims It Acted Responsibly

Our Boston medical malpractice lawyers know that thousands of patients experienced complications after undergoing a hip replacement procedure using the DePuy ASR hip replacement device. Data indicates that DePuy may have been aware that the ASR model had a high failure rate as far back as 2007, although the company…


Fresenius Enjoys Growth as Dialysis Malpractice Claims Rage On

Fresenius Medical Care is the world’s largest dialysis company with more than 2,100 clinics open throughout the United States. Although Fresenius already has thousands of dialysis clinics nationwide, the company continues to grow and expand its reach. In just the past few days alone, for example, reported that a…


Unsafe Springfield Busline Banned by FMCSA

Santana Busline, Inc., Springfield-based, has been ordered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to cease unauthorized interstate passenger services immediately. The company was also declared to be a serious hazard to public safety. It was busted for failing to make sure that its vehicles and drivers comply with…

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