
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Severe Lawnmower Injuries in New England May Warrant Lawsuit

Mowing the lawn is considered by many to be among the most mundane suburban summer homeowner chores. Our personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts know it’s also one of the most dangerous. Although millions use these devices routinely without a problem, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that some 253,000…


Welding Company Failed to Get Permits, Lawsuit Filed After Firefighter Deaths

A Back Bay Boston apartment owner is suing a welding company after a fire destroyed the building and killed two firefighters. In addition to liabilities for property damage, the welding company could potentially face additional personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits. According to The Boston Globe, the welding company was…


Wrongful Death Suit Filed After “Tough Mudder” Drowning

Tough Mudder is an internationally known fitness competition that requires participants to climb walls and ropes, run, and crawl, and complete various obstacles while soaked in mud. The company grossed almost $100 million last year and continues to grow in popularity among participants and supporters. A mother has filed a…


EPA Cracking Down on New England Companies That Failed in Chemical Safety

Five companies in New England faced legal trouble when they were found to be in violation of federal regulations designed to prevent the occurrence of chemical accidents. The companies have now settled with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As part of the settlement, the companies will need to be more…


Gas Explosion Illustrates Dangers Presented by Aging Infrastructure

Eight people were killed and dozens injured recently when gas explosion leveled two five-story buildings. The specific cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but the National Transportation Safety Board believes that a natural gas leak was the reason for the blast. A crack in an eight-inch gas pipeline…


College Fraternity Injuries Hazing, Death, and Liability

Serious injuries and fatal accidents have been linked to hazing rituals on college campuses nationwide. Fraternity organizations and college campuses can be held liability in some personal injury and wrongful death cases. Our personal injury attorneys in Boston are committed to representing victims and their families in cases involving hazing…

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