
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Accident on Ararat Street

When driving on familiar roads such as in your neighborhood, it is easy to think that car accidents will not happen, but this is not always the case. Car accidents can occur anywhere, and these accidents can often be dire. They can leave people dealing with injuries that are detrimental…


Car Accident in Westford

While accidents are more likely to happen on large, busy roads, accidents can happen at any time, and they often occur when we least expect them. We all need to do our part to keep roads safe, and this means being constantly attentive no matter where we are driving. On…


Police Respond to Crash in Springfield

Sometimes, car accidents can be quite severe. While not every accident causes major injuries, some of them do, and these can be quite devastating. All drivers must do their best to remain aware and attentive when they are driving, and caution must always be taken. The consequences of reckless driving…


Injury Accident on Route 1 South in Saugus

Car accidents can happen at any time, and they can happen to even the most cautious drivers. It can seem scary that car accidents can happen to even the most attentive drivers, but careful driving can reduce the risk of an accident happening and help keep yourself and others safe.…


Three-Vehicle Accident in Saugus

Car accidents that result in injury can occur when we least expect them, and they can cause injuries that impact lives in detrimental ways. Vehicle accidents that involve more than one vehicle can be especially dire. These accidents can cause injuries to multiple people, and reckless driving can have results…


Car Accident on Mass Pike East

A car accident can happen when we least expect it. When behind the wheel, it is easy to get distracted and forget to pay attention to the road. However, we must all do our part to keep accidents from happening as car accidents can have severe consequences that impact lives…


Drunk Driver Causes Crash in Wilmington

A vehicle accident can happen at any time, even on roads that seem safe and quiet. Drunk drivers put other people at risk. Their actions are criminal, and they could end up causing accidents that lead to fatalities. The actions of drunk drivers are no small matter. On June 7,…


Vehicle Accident on Pullman Street with Injuries

Accidents can happen suddenly and when we least expect them. The impacts of some of these incidents can be catastrophic or even deadly. We must all do our best to keep accidents from happening as we all want our roads to be safe. While accidents cannot be completely avoided, they…


Accident Reported on Abbotsford Street

A car accident can happen when we are least expecting it to. When driving, it is easy to get distracted by the radio or our thoughts and forget to focus on the road, but we must all do our best to remain aware of our surroundings when behind the wheel.…


Bicycle Accident on Hardwick Street

Bicycle accidents can be some of the most dangerous vehicle-related accidents because bicyclists are not protected by a vehicle. These accidents can do serious damage, and they can leave victims suffering from long-lasting injuries that mean medical treatments for many years. It is important for all drivers to remember to…

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