
Articles Posted in defective products


Vesely v. Armslist LLC: Wrongful Death Actions and Sales of Guns Over the Web

Our Boston wrongful death lawyers understand that in some cases, proving a relationship between a plaintiff and third party may require significant litigation. Vesely v. Armslist LLC, a case heard in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, involved a woman killed by a man she met…


Lee v. Smith & Wesson Corporation: Admissibility of Expert Testimony in a Personal Injury Case

Our Boston personal injury lawyers know rules of evidence can lead to complex litigation. In Lee v. Smith & Wesson Corporation, the plaintiff was injured while shooting target practice with his revolver manufactured by the defendant. The plaintiff fired two shots without incident and, on the third shot, was severely…


Toyota Moves Forward in Sudden Acceleration Settlements

In previous posts we have discussed the injuries and deaths involving Toyota’s “sudden acceleration” accidents. While Toyota once objected to the notion that the vehicles automatically accelerated and caused accidents, the company has now agreed to move forward in an intensive settlement process on behalf of accident victims and their…


Is Stryker Letting Down Its Customers When It Comes to Safety?

The medical device manufacturer, Stryker, describes itself as “one of the world’s leading medical technology companies” that is “dedicated to helping healthcare professionals perform their jobs more efficiently while enhancing patient care.” With such a positive description of their dedication to enhancing patient care, it would be reasonable for patients…


Failure to Warn in Transvaginal Mesh Cases

Recently, our Boston transvaginal mesh lawyers reported that two transvaginal mesh claims had been resolved, one in a settlement and one in which the jury awarded a plaintiff $2 million in compensation. In awarding the monetary compensation to the plaintiff, the jury indicated that the transvaginal mesh product was defective…

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