
Boston road rage a big city danger; common cause of Massachusetts car accidents

Last November a 62 year-old man stabbed a 52 year-old driver during a road rage incident following a Boston car accident that caused a traffic jam, according to ABC-5.

The enraged driver claimed the accident was going to make him late to pick up his son. While traffic slowed the driver exited his vehicle and begun to physically harass the nearby victim he accused of causing the backup.

According to a new survey by motorists respond to aggressive driving in all sorts of ways — more than half return the aggression:

-2 percent of drivers try to run the aggressor off the road
-34 percent honk their horns
-7 percent mimic the aggressive behavior
-19 percent give the finger
-17 percent flash their headlights
-27 percent yell
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as “the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers persons or property.” NHTSA reports more that 6 million accidents occur each year with aggressive driving contributing to a substantial number of those incidents.

Aggressive driving is a traffic offense. Road rage is a criminal offense, typically involving assault. Our Boston personal injury lawyers urge drivers to protect themselves with defense-driving habits.

If you come in contact with an aggressive driver there are some tips to help keep you safe:

– Never retaliate.

– If you’ve been harassed and are being followed do not go home. Go to the nearest police station.

– Be polite, even when others are not.

– Never underestimate other drivers’ capacity for rage.

– Do not put others in danger by attempting to outrun the enraged drive. Always drive the speed limit.

– Reduce driving stress by allowing plenty of time to reach your destination.

– Remember you can’t control other drivers but you can control yourself.

If you’ve been victim of an aggressive driver suffering from road rage contact our Boston injury lawyers at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333 or contact us through the website.

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